sign an agreement

美 [saɪn ən əˈɡriːmənt]英 [saɪn ən əˈɡriːmənt]
  • 签署协议;签署协议书
sign an agreementsign an agreement
  1. The California courts ordered Jobs to start paying $ 385 a month in child support , sign an agreement admitting paternity , and reimburse the county $ 5856 in back welfare payments .


  2. The US remains in close contact with European and Gulf allies and continues to review options to increase pressure on Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to sign an agreement to step down , officials said .


  3. China and the US sign an agreement on high tech co-operation in shanghai .


  4. The group is expecting to sign an agreement with China Telecom this year .


  5. And you will enjoy a good discount if you sign an agreement contract .


  6. We guarantee the results , to sign an agreement , packet , credibility .


  7. How likely is it that China and Mexico will sign an agreement on free trade ?


  8. Countries would sign an agreement that would have no legal force but would be " politically binding " .


  9. We have been trying very hard to sign an agreement with ZTE , he said .


  10. First you need to sign an Agreement with the Bank and pay for the whole period you will use the safe .


  11. We will sign an agreement naming you the middleman .


  12. Want to open function of the bank on the net , want to sign an agreement with the bank beforehand normally .


  13. In this paper , sponsor 's act to sign an agreement is considered the starting point of the incorporating company .


  14. The U.S. wants Afghan president Hamid Karzai to sign an agreement about this .


  15. Both the mediator and the participants often sign an agreement with express obligations of non-disclosure .


  16. Owners of smaller private aircraft do not need to work with commercial airlines but must sign an agreement with a general aviation company .


  17. President Obama talked about the change when he flew to Kabul this month to sign an agreement with the Afghan government .


  18. If you must sign an agreement , do so in the first week of April or table the signing until May15 or beyond .


  19. The Russian official said the two leaders also will sign an agreement on transit across Russia of U.S.military cargoes to Afghanista .


  20. During the upcoming visit , the two sides will sign an agreement on mutual establishment of cultural centers to facilitate cultural and people-to-people exchanges .


  21. You must sign an agreement and deposit money into a safe bank account or account with the immigration company to show that you have the funds to pay the service fee .


  22. In Tucuman , Argentina , local government and nongovernmental organizations are working together to get all relevant institutions to sign an agreement to do more for road safety .


  23. The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re [ ] of houses .


  24. The orders come amid a strained relationship with Afghan President Hamid Karzai , who has refused to sign an agreement to keep U.S. forces on the ground beyond 2014 .


  25. French industry anti-counterfeiting lobby unifab said it would sign an agreement with the District of saint-ouen , where the market operates , to clamp down on the trade .


  26. During his visit , Vice-Senior General Maung Aye is set to sign an agreement with the Indian government that will give the military government an additional $ 135 million in aid .


  27. Seeing the warning signs , we persistently tried to persuade the Georgians to sign an agreement on the non-use of force with the Ossetians and Abkhazians .


  28. And then everybody can sign an agreement and put it in the coffee room . [ qh ] Thanks for watching How To Know If You Are A Good Office Cubicle Mate . [ qh ]


  29. Both of the candidates in the contested vote in Afghanistan have said they 'll sign an agreement allowing U.S. troops to remain there past 2014 , but at this point , nothing is certain . Is this legit ?


  30. One nonconfrontational option : so-called ' collaborative divorce , ' in which the two parties hire lawyers , personal counselors and a neutral financial expert such as a CPA to help them sort through all the issues-but sign an agreement at the outset not to go to court .
